Circus Series
This series of digital images have been created with a combination of photographed objects, paper cut outs, landscape photos, textures, and
Photoshop tools to render these colourful and magical artworks. The circus characters were made with dolly pegs, fabric, moulding clay, craft bits,
and some imagination. The circus tents, forest trees, lions cage are made from paper.
I have always had a fascination for the circus, and in particular, the surreal, fantasy aspect that emanates through the visual stereotypes
I have always had a fascination for the circus, and in particular, the surreal, fantasy aspect that emanates through the visual stereotypes
we see in the older vintage style images. Circus entertainment is anchored in pure escapism and the possibility of witnessing the impossible.
Circus performer lifestyle is intriguing in its surrealness, and we are always left wondering what kind of life these enigmatic and sometimes sad characters lead.
In the circus imagery, I've aimed to capture a surreal, dreamlike quality, that is both mysterious and dark, beautiful and haunting.
In the circus imagery, I've aimed to capture a surreal, dreamlike quality, that is both mysterious and dark, beautiful and haunting.
The doll-like characters add a childlike niavity to the scenes, and help to create a story in every image.
I see the images more like animation stills from a film, and the vintage look and dark landscapes capture a quirky moment in time.
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